
We have a thoroughly vetted Affiliate network in 450+ cities around the globe. Our Affiliate partners are the elite companies in their markets fully licensed from local government and authorities. You don’t have to worry about who will be the service provider, you will get the best service wherever you go.
We provide service at all major Airports and FBOs worldwide. For Departures we always arrive early at your pick up location and make the process seamless for getting to the Airport on time. For Arrivals we always track your flight using our advanced technology to stay informed up to the minute of any flight delays, early arrival updates or cancellation.
CarLux understands the unique demands of Corporate Roadshows. Whether it is an equity or fixed income, Deal or Non-Deal, one city or multiple cities, CarLux’s Roadshow team understands your needs! CarLux’s goal is to become a partner, not a vendor.
CarLux Limo chauffeurs can be hired by the hour. We will be at your disposal for as long as you need us. Going for Business meetings, Road Shows, Several Appointments, Shopping, Dinners & Running Errands, our Hourly Charter service is the answer. All our vehicles are available for hourly service.
From a single sedan to multiple motor coaches, we will arrange any group transportation worldwide. We provide ground transportation service for all occasions whether its a Corporate Event, a Business Conference, a Closing Dinner or a Wedding. Our event planner will work with you from the planning stages of logistics, to on-site coordination and will stay with you until the event concludes. Let us make event management easier for you!